Monster Flying Squirrels
Flying squirrels are irresistibly adorable, to the point there may be something wrong with you if you don’t let out a little “ahhhh” or “how cute” when you see them. I fell head over gumboots with the sight of my little, flying squirrel neighbor, Babaji, so much so that I started feeding him my precious, raw, organic nuts I treat myself with. Not long after I started feeding him on the back porch he allowed me to hand-feed him and come to my call. For the convenience of feeding my nocturnal friend, I soon moved his nightly smorgasbord onto my bedroom window sill. In my exuberance of having him visit me every night, trusting me to the point I could stretch out his arm flaps, stroke his tail or wake to find him sitting in my hand, I failed to see the sure signs of a failing relationship. The first clear sign was the arrival of his new girlfriend, Violet. My meager nut supply was failing to support us and frankly, Babaji is a terrible boyfriend, always chasing Violet off, hogging the food and causing her to seek other food sources, namely my kitchen. For months and months I had up to four squirrels running back and forth on my metal roof all night long and sneaking into my cabin creating such havoc each nigh, I finally lost it. One night, after running around yelling and twirling towels at Violet, to GET OUT, I stomped back up my stairs to find little Babaji sitting quietly on the top railing, looking at me like, “Whoa Lady, what’s wrong with you? Are you OK?” The embarrassment and shame of freaking out on them, caused me to continue my suffering until my body finally needed to put an end to the sleep deprivation. You have to be desperate to befriend a nocturnal animal, so for my sanity, I started inviting the daytime tree squirrel, Skippy over. Flying squirrels now have a “no glide zone” onto and into my house and will soon have their very own restaurant, stockpiled with nuts, away from my windowsill…
Click here to see other videos of Babaji and friends…