Orca Whales: The Art of Manifestation Part 1
One of the greatest lessons I have learned with my wild life is the art of manifestation. I was starving. I needed food. And there were no grocery stores. I believe the simplicity of my life helped me see the patterns and steps involved in creating my needs and desires. Life isn’t about having bad or good luck and there are no coincidences. Life is about making all our dreams come true – to become the beings of Light that we truly are. I’d like to share some secrets I have rediscovered about manifestation.
Manifesting what you want in your life is about knowing the Laws of the Universe. The Eternal Law of Life states: What you think and feel you bring into form. This Law is so powerful that the Power of the Universe responds to EVERY thought we put out with perfection. So why doesn’t it work you say? Where’s your new car? Your bigger boat? Your winning lottery numbers? Well just asking that question is your downfall…
You need to stand firm, with unflinching determination, consciously knowing with all your heart that your desire will come true. You need to start thinking miraculously.
State your wish in words. See it within your mind. Remind yourself that the Power of the Universe never fails and you are a part of It. St. Germaine once said, “Thought is one of the mightiest means of Creation. It will create all things and when it does not, there is lurking doubt and fear.” You must shut out all questioning, doubt, worry, fear, limitation, lack and suggestions from outer appearances so that such things cannot alter your desire. In this place of sacred silence you can align with who you truly are; a loving, powerful, wise, honest and fearless free spirit who knows no limitation. In such true form, all things have their birth.
Never forget that true manifestation begins and ends with love and gratitude.
Finding the returning resident orca whales was my early summertime wish. The whales had been back for over a month and I still hadn’t seen them. It was time to get serious, so I decided to take a day off and spent the time leading up to it visualizing and feeling with great intensity my day with the orcas.
Meet the families of orcas I spotted when I jumped into my boat…